

Believe in the Power of Work

Medium: Acrylic paints and colored pencil on gessoed board
Size: 40x20 inches
Year 2001

"Believe in the Power of Work," To mark the 100th anniversary with a popular image to follow Norman Rockwell's 50th anniversary design, Goodwill commissioned this work with three sections from noted poster artist Drew Struzan.

The centennial art closely matches Goodwill's mission in the new century: the image is an inclusive one, depicting elderly people, family groups, a uniformed officer, a range of ethnicities, a range of disabilities and a range of jobs. Images from the past play an important role. The founding mission remains, in an organization that currently has over $1.9 billion in revenues, serves over half a million people with its programs, and has launched an international work initiative through its network of 209 community-based agencies in the United States, Canada and 22 other countries.

Signed left edge "drew"

© Copyright Goodwill Industries 2001